Best Way To Learn AI Development
What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
Are you thinking of Chappie, Terminator, and Lucy? Sentient, self-aware robots are closer to becoming a reality than you think. Developing computer systems that equal or exceed human intelligence is the crux of artificial intelligence. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the study of computer science focusing on developing software or machines that exhibit human intelligence. A simple enough definition, right?
Obviously, there is a lot more to it. AI is a broad topic ranging from simple calculators to self-steering technology to something that might radically change the future.
Goals and Applications of AI
The primary goals of AI include deduction and reasoning, knowledge representation, planning, natural language processing (NLP), learning, perception, and the ability to manipulate and move objects. Long-term goals of AI research include achieving Creativity, Social Intelligence, and General (human level) Intelligence.
How can you build your first bot?
How to build a Python Bot
Here is a list of resources for you to learn and practice:
- A Visual Introduction to Machine Learning
- Machine Learning (By Andrew Ng)
- Machine Learning Lectures (Tom Mitchell)
- Artificial Intelligence (edX) (Specially for practice exercise in Python)
- Intro to Statistics
- Intro to Artificial Intelligence (Includes Logic and Robotics)
- Artificial Intelligence
Here are a few more valuable links:
- Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach
- AI Algorithms, Data Structures, and Idioms in Prolog, Lisp, and Java
- Computational Cognitive Neuroscience
- Computational Explorations in Cognitive Neuroscience
- 13 Free self-study books on Mathematics, Machine learning, and Deep learning
- 13 Free training courses on Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence
- Data Tools Deep Dive: Machine Learning
You should also take part in various AI and BOT Programming Contests at different places on the Internet:
AI has heavily influenced different sectors that we may not recognize. Ray Kurzweil says “Many thousands of AI applications are deeply embedded in the infrastructure of every industry.” John McCarthy, one of the founders of AI, once said that “as soon as it works, no one calls it AI anymore.”
Broadly, AI is classified into the following: