Agile Software Development Quiz Answer week one

                  Agile Software Development Quiz Answer

Week One

1.Agile Values and Principles


Question 1

What are some of the challenges with waterfall methods that prompted the software industry to come up with alternatives like agile? Select three.


Question 2

What are the four values of the Agile Manifesto?


Question 3

Which Agile Value does the following principle align with:

"Build projects around motivated individuals, give them the environment and support they need and trust them to get the job done."


Question 4

Which of the following align with the agile principle:

"Business people and developers work together daily throughout the project.

Using Agile Methods


Question 1

What are some of the benefits organizations have seen from using agile methods? Select five.

2 / 2 points


Question 2

The agile principle of "Deliver working software frequently" helps with which of the following challenges of predictive model? Select two.

1 / 1 point


Question 3

What new challenges does agile bring? Select two.

1 / 1 point

Applying an Agile Mindset


Question 1

What are some of the tactics / concepts you can use to implement agile mindset? Choose two.

2 / 2 points


Question 2

If a developer says "we don't to do any discussion or upfront design" because we are agile", is he/she truely representing what agile means

1 / 1 point


Question 3

When applying agile, we don't need to do any release planning.. We only plan for a week.

1 / 1 point

Agile Fundamentals


Question 1

Which of the following statements align with the value "Working software over comprehensive documentation” of Agile manifesto?

1 / 1 point


Question 2

Which of the following are true about Agile Manifesto? (select any 2)

1 / 1 point


Question 3

Which one of the following statements/situations/conversations align with an agile mindset?

1 / 1 point


Question 4

Why is it difficult to predict user needs and requirements? (select any 3)

1 / 1 point


Question 5

Which of the following statements align with following Agile Principle:

"Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference for the shorter timescale"

0 / 1 point


Question 6

Which of the following align with this principle:

" Working software is the primary measure of progress."

1 / 1 point


Question 7

In which of the following situations, would you NOT recommend using an agile process?

1 / 1 point


Question 8

Which of the following is true for agile projects?

1 / 1 point


Question 9

One of the core principles of agile is to "Embrace Change". This makes architecting and designing the system challenging since you don't know all of the requirements upfront. Thus, you have to be prepared to make architecture and design changes. To effectively embrace change, agile teams must learn how to keep the cost of change low.

From the options below, select the ones that can help mitigate this challenge. (Select 3)

1 / 1 point


Question 10

Which of the following is true for a typical agile project? (select 2)

1 / 1 point

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