Top 5 Ways to Earn Income as a Programmer

 Aside from working a 9–5 job, there are plenty of ways to earn income in the computer science field. Today, I’m going to explain the top 5 ways that I found to earn the most amount of income strictly by programming.

5. Create a Course/Online Store
I’ve personally been looking into this one, and I’m in the process of creating one on Gumroad. You’ll earn a large portion of the proceeds just for spreading some knowledge. Of course, it’s important to be well-versed in the topic you’re marketing, otherwise it might not be worth it for them. One of the products I’m selling right now on Gumroad is a premium blog post newsletter, where extra juicy articles of mine (exclusive to subscribers) are sent out at just a 5$ a month. See this post for more information on Gumroad: link

4. Develop Apps
After developing my own app, I can confidently say that the income is great and its a really fun way to learn more about creating something of your own. Its a really fun experience, especially if you’re creating something with fellow developers. To create my app, I used tools like Unity Game Engine. Here’s a link in case you’re interested in seeing what I created: “The Vault Collection”.

3. Coding Contests
Participating in coding contests is a great way to earn a bit of side income if you’re really passionate about programming and have the time. Some contests last for around 3 hours, while others can go for up to a few days. Many of them have cash prizes, and while not all do, it’s still a really great way to learn new skills.

2. Freelance Work
There is a ton of freelance work to be done in computer science, especially programming work. If you’re good at programming and you have the skill level, going onto a site like Upwork could be really beneficial. I’ve personally tried a few of these sites and made a good amount of money spending a few hours with each project. The pay varies, but it’s usually pretty good.

Finally, the best way to earn income as a programmer in my experience. It works great and has landed me jobs and helped me financially.

  1. Diversifying Your Portfolio

This is the best thing to do as a programmer. Creating lots of new projects, dabbling in different areas of computer science, and finding out new things that you can do with programs is one of the most beneficial things I’ve done in my programming life. I’ve worked with automation: link

And even things like cybersecurity to help me diversify my skills so that I’m prepared to handle more things in the computer science field. Some of my accomplishments are listed on my website, or my github. These tools that I’ve created and written programs (like this one) that have helped me greatly, and I hope you can find some use in them as well.

Thats all I’ve got to say about making money with programming. If you found this article useful, leave some claps so I know to write more things like it. I hope this helped inform you about the best ways to earn some side income. Check out my other posts on The Gray Area, if you’re into computer science / hacking.

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